Part-Time Fully Remote Ruby on Rails Developer


mkdev is looking for a fully remote part-time Ruby on Rails developer, to support us with the development of a few applications.

Our stack

  • Monolithic RoR applications, written in a "Rails-way", all of them with Rails 6;
  • On the frontend we mostly use Stimulus, with plans to include Hotwire; one application is using Vue.js;
  • Either AWS or Google Cloud for deployment (you don't need to know either, but it helps for sure);
  • Docker for local development;

Your responsibilities

  • Implement new designs - there will be some HTML/CSS tasks, as we are adjusting the design of some of those apps. The first set of tasks will be primarily focused on HTML/CSS, as we have an urgent need to release the new designs - but in the future, the balance between frontend and backend work will be better;
  • Implement new mid to large size features, including covering new functionality with tests;
  • Bug fixing;
  • Document changes;
  • We expect the new code to be covered with tests;

A certain level of self-sufficiency is expected - it's not an entry-level position. The existing team will review your code, but we expect most of the code to be well thought from the start.

What you will be working on

Applications you will be working on are, and We already have a list of most of the tasks we want to do on each of those applications in the next 3-4 months. We are looking for someone to support us with development activities over a long time, for current and future tasks. Keep in mind that we won't have a constant stream of work, rather periodic sets of concrete tasks that we don't have internal resources to work on. Some months there will be more, some months could be nothing to do.

As the team is located in Europe, we would prefer someone in the same CET timezone, with a few hours difference at most.

How to apply

Please reply with your CV, hourly rate, and availability. It will take us few weeks to go through applications and to come back to you, but we will do our best to answer everyone.
