Anastasiya Dyachenko

Person with short platinum blonde hair wearing black-rimmed glasses and a grey sweater with a fox design, set against a bokeh light background.
I work as a software engineer for 8 years. For the last 4 years I use Elixir/Phoenix.I have studied Elixir myself and achieved a mastery in it, and I am ready to help you achieve the same faster and easier :)



I work as a backend developer for 8 years. I came to IT in a natural way - through studying at the university 😺
I went from PHP and Bitrix web development at a web studio to Elixir development at a product company.

I worked with different stacks and in different contexts:

  • PHP/Bitrix and outsourced website development
  • PHP/Laravel and EdTech website development in product company
  • PHP/Phalcon and billing for AdTech / DSP
  • Elixir/Phoenix and a mobile app server
  • Elixir/Phoenix and a platform Development Using EventSourcing
  • Elixir/Phoenix and developing a server for the support chat as a solo developer

But the biggest change in my experience was the transition from imperative programming to functional programming.

Each stack and context change helped me struct my knowledge and develop common patterns and approaches that can be applied in any situation.

I have been involved in the design and development of many commercial projects, also as a solo backend developer, so I had a chance to gain experience at every stage that an application goes from idea to release and maintenance.

I actively participate in the life of the Elixir developer community: I give talks at local meetups Ru |> Elixir |> Meetup , Elixir-lang Moscow and maintain a blog .

Core skills

  • elixir
  • phoenix
  • postgresql
  • docker
  • bash
  • opensource
  • code review
  • testing
  • backend
  • базы данных
  • git
  • sql
  • uml
  • ci
  • cd
  • публичные выступления
  • soft skills
  • rest api
  • graphql
  • protobuf




I really liked Anastasia's mentoring - together we drew up an individual training program and followed it, I very quickly received a detailed answer to any question. Nastya proposed an Elixir quest on the mkdev platform, which covers all the basics of the language, conducted a code review and gave recommendations for each task.

Очень понравилось менторство Анастасии — мы вместе составили индивидуальную программу обучения и шли по ней, на любой вопрос я очень быстро получал подробнейший ответ. Настя предложила квест по Эликсиру на платформе mkdev, который охватывает все основы языка, по каждому заданию проводила код-ревью и давала рекомендации.

translation missing: - Original Text Dmitriy Shubenok, 14/12/21

I study Elixir / Phoenix wisdom from Anastasia, the training is very sensible and thorough. The mentor is well versed in the subject, explains in an accessible manner and understands what causes problems at a glance. You study the material, ask questions, practice - all you need to master new things. I am always ready to help, direct you in the right direction, so that you yourself come to the decision, give links to both articles and in-depth study. And most importantly, good practice and code review. I hope to continue my studies, there is a lot to learn!

Обучаюсь у Анастасии премудростям Elixir/Phoenix, обучение проходит очень толково и обстоятельно. Ментор отлично разбирается в предмете, объясняет доступно и понимает, что вызывает проблемы с полуслова. Изучаешь материал, задаешь вопросы, практикуешь - все что надо для освоения нового. Всегда готова помочь, направить в нужное русло, чтобы ты сам дошел до решения, дать ссылки как на статьи, так и на углубленное изучение. И главное хорошая практика и кодревью. Надеюсь продолжить обучение, поучиться есть чему!

translation missing: - Original Text Dmitriy Zhuravlev, 02/11/21