Dalibor Ilijevski

Close-up of a smiling man with short dark hair wearing a grey zip-up sweater and a collared shirt, indoors with a neutral background.
Software engineer from Kragujevac, Serbia, Europe. 20+ years of experience in software development. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" (Old proverb)


I am Dalibor. I live in Kragujevac, Serbia, Europe with my wife and our two kids. When I am not nailed-up by keyboard, I enjoy spending time with my family, walking or listening to music.

If you decide to pick me to be your mentor, this is what you'll get in one package:

  • 20+ years of experience in software development

  • 15+ years of experience in Web development

  • 10+ years of experience in Ruby on Rails

  • 15+ years of experience in PHP

  • 15+ years of experience in SQL

  • 15+ years of experience in MySQL

  • 7 years of teaching experience at the local university

  • Strong knowledge of Linux

  • Intelligent person with a good sense of humor

My goal is not only to help you solve problems and move through checkpoints, but to teach you how to solve them yourself. If we manage to do that, we succeeded! I have experience, and know how to do that.

Core skills

  • ruby
  • ruby on rails
  • javascript
  • sql
  • mysql
  • postgresql


  • Web-applications on Ruby on Rails

    I have 15+ years of experience in Web development, and been working with Ruby on Rails for more than 10 years. I started with RoR 2.x version, and moved through all latter versions.

  • Programming in Ruby

    I am developing using Ruby since 2005. Ruby scripts are mostly part of back-end processes and run via scheduled jobs. For developing Web apps, I use Rails framework.

