Vladimir Baskakov
As a Software Engineer
Nine years of continuous experience in developing successful products at Rosatom, Mail.Ru, Yandex. I have experience with high-load services, big data, distributed networks, microservices, distributed computing, cloud services. I know how to code a large successful project in C ++ / Java / Python
As TeamLeader
Tree years of organizing the development process in a remote team. I have learned how to facilitate meetings and organize work softly, putting the opinion of the team at the forefront. Software development practices have been introduced: CI / CD, Unit / Module / Integration Tests, Code review, a process for planning and performing tasks using the Scrum methodology has been established. Retrospectives that work: the team sees pain, proposes, and makes decisions to improve processes.
Programming in Python
I use python in day to a day job for 4 years and I can help with solving particular issues, discuss the pros and cons of this language, choose right libraries according to your needs
Владимир помог мне разобраться со всеми интересуюшими вопросами по Питону и сопутствуюшим технологиям. Он все понятно обьяснял, всегда показывал хорошие примеры и мог ответить на любой вопрос на уровне эксперта. Я с удовольствием возьму его ментором еше раз.