Aleksey Birulya

Portrait of a man with short brown hair, wearing a black suit, white shirt, and a dotted blue tie, set against a pale background.
I specialize in developing web applications using .NET, C#, JavaSript/TypeScript technologies, applying the principles of clean code, SOLID, DRY, KISS, and others. I will help you with writing a CV.


I have an experience in working with huge government projects with huge infrastructures, and a lot of different integrations. My main technologies are C# .NET and JavaSript/TypeScript. The main framework that I use, starts from ASP.NET Core 2.1 up to the latest version of .NET 6. I also have experience with the client side, but not very deep. I have experience in writing extensible applications with excellent Onion service architecture, using practices/principals such as DDD, TDD, CI/CD and other.

Core skills

  • .net
  • iis server
  • sql
  • entity framework
  • c#
  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • devops


