Veronika Novikova

Woman in green sweater sitting on a couch with a laptop on her knees, resting chin on hand, with a decorated Christmas tree in the background.
Developer of user interfaces with 7 years of experience. I specialize in adaptive and cross-browser layout with clean and understandable code. With me you will learn how to create good websites using modern technologies.


I have been developing interfaces for more than seven years, five of which are working in outsourcing.

At this time I participated in the development:

  • billing systems;
  • CMS systems;
  • chat system;
  • e-commerce sites;
  • landing pages;
  • online business card and CV.

My main tasks on projects are to create adaptive and responsive interfaces, implement design solutions, improve the user experience and the sensations of interacting with the application.

Everything I know and can now has been studied by myself, absorbing the experience with excellent examples and the best practices, that influenced my sense of beauty (and perfectionism in some way).

Core skills

  • sass
  • css
  • html
  • bem
  • javascript
  • vue.js
  • less
  • yarn
  • npm
  • cross-browser
  • git
  • ui/ux
  • smacss
  • adaptive
  • responsive
  • web
  • code




Thanks a lot to Veronica! With her support, I learn to typeset and quickly move forward, acquire new knowledge, hone my skills. Without a mentor, a path at random, and with a mentor, the most faithful and productive way. Veronica is constantly in touch, answers quickly, explains clearly, generously shares her knowledge and experience. It is simply priceless. I definitely recommend this mentor.

Большое спасибо Веронике! С ее поддержкой я учусь верстать и быстро продвигаюсь вперед, приобретаю новые знания, оттачиваю навыки. Без ментора- путь наугад, а с наставником- самый верный и продуктивный путь. Вероника постоянно на связи, отвечает быстро, объясняет доходчиво, щедро делится своими знаниями и опытом. Это просто бесценно. Однозначно рекомендую этого ментора.

translation missing: - Original Text Anna Shiryaeva, 12/09/19