Prasanna Venkataraman

Man with sunglasses looking to the side, wearing a patterned shirt with a clear sky background.
I am passionate full-stack developer for 10 years now and got great interest in Devops. I have built many production grade systems and can guide you in design principles and the strategies to be followed.


Hello! I am a Developer | Architect | Devops. I have worked with some well known brands like Thoughtworks, Oracle in the past. Currently, I am working in my friend’s startup focussing more on Design & Devops activities. I love being productive (big fan of Vim) and can give you lot of tips on how to be productive. I am more passionate about Kubernetes, Docker and its eco system. Eager to share my enthusiasm with you.

Core skills

  • go
  • ruby on rails
  • kubernetes
  • docker
  • aws


  • Containers in Production

    Run containers using various strategies either locally / on cloud. Learn best practices and things to watch out for when containerising your application.

  • Public Cloud

    I am AWS Certified Solutions Architect and can help you in choosing the right kind of services and how to maintain your infrastructure as a code.

  • Web-applications on Ruby on Rails

    I can guide you in building a Ruby on Rails application from scratch to deploying it in an environment. I can make you feel the breeziness of Ruby on Rails.

  • Configuration Management Systems

    I have good hands-on experience in using Ansible, Chef in production systems. I can guide you in leveraging the available open-source modules (ansible playbook / chef cookbooks).

