Confusing Times | ✉️ #3

Illustration for "MKDEV DISPATCH #3 - CONFUSING TIMES" featuring a stylized portrait of a thinking man with glasses and curly hair, with a whimsical background including paper planes and a funnel sifting a dotted line. Illustration for "MKDEV DISPATCH #3 - CONFUSING TIMES" featuring a stylized portrait of a thinking man with glasses and curly hair, with a whimsical background including paper planes and a funnel sifting a dotted line.

Hey! 👋

We are living in difficult and confusing times these days. Wars that lead us to the threat of a nuclear hecatomb, inflation that leads central banks to the crazy rise in interest rates, governments that desperately turn to populism and educate society with aid that fattens an infinite debt, stock markets that go down and down without a brake and commodities that do not stop rising.

But not everything is bad in this world. We have good news too. This week at mkdev we have started recording our first episode of a podcast series that we will start posting in the next few days. It's been a lot of fun and we've had a great time making the recordings. So stay tuned because soon you will be able to listen to us or even watch us on video because the podcast also comes in a video podcast version.

And we don't end here, because this week we also have the great news of the publication of our GCP workshop. The Workshop entitled "Google Cloud Platform: Overview, Cloud Run, Security, and Networking" lasts 4 days and during that time you will be able to learn and delve into one of the 3 most important Cloud providers in the market. So if you are interested remember that the start date is on 5th December.

Take care of yourself these days, because as I told you at the beginning we are living in confusing times, and I think this is a good time to enjoy with the people you love most, with your family, friends, and at least differentiate yourself from all those politicians who are trying to confuse us all.

What we've shared

Let's get back to basics and try to understand what is a container, why they exist and how are they different from a virtual machine.​

Salaries have been using rigid rules for many years to decide the correct amount of money, but let's find out how the rules have changed.

In this article Pablo Inigo will show you how to stop and start a Cloud SQL database on a daily basis with a Cloud Scheduler, calling a Pub/Sub Topic, calling a Step Function. Magic?

What we've discovered

  • Mastering deployments with Terragrunt: How to manage and deploy multiple variants of the same AWS infrastructure stack with Terragrunt?
  • Using Argo Workflows for backfilling lots of data: It's useful to think about any CI/CD system as a generic job execution engine. Once you realize that, you can finally use whichever such engine you have for way more than build-test-deploy pipelines.

  • The Baffling Maze of Kubernetes: Thoughts on how many years later, Kubernetes seems to have zero standards for any tooling. At mkdev, we have our strong preferences, but yes, it's a challenge to figure things out indeed.

A random reminder

Helm Lightning Course is a free rapid introduction into Helm. You will learn how to use Helm to package and deploy Kubernetes applications. By the end of the course, we will be able to create new Helm Charts, with flexible configuration via values and external dependencies included.

The 4th mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, October 28th. See you next time!