Connecting This Summer: mkdev’s Event Schedule

Stylized illustration of a hot air balloon with "mkdev" text, flanked by paper airplanes, floating above a mountainous landscape shrouded in clouds. Stylized illustration of a hot air balloon with "mkdev" text, flanked by paper airplanes, floating above a mountainous landscape shrouded in clouds.

This summer, the mkdev team is planning to attend several events to connect with partners, colleagues, and make new contacts. We aim to stay informed and engaged with what's happening around us. We've compiled a list of the events we’ll be attending, and we’d love to see you there. Feel free to add these events to your calendars, email us to set up appointments, and let’s connect. We look forward to catching up and sharing ideas. See you soon!

Finticipate is a fintech forum focused on South East Europe, held on May 31, 2024, in Belgrade. It serves as a hub for discussions and idea exchanges among fintech companies, banks, neobanks, financial experts, investors, consultants, and innovators.

The AWS Summit in Madrid, part of the EMEA series, brings together the cloud computing community to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS.

South Summit is a leading innovation platform that connects entrepreneurs, investors, and corporations to foster business opportunities and growth. Held in Madrid, it features networking, keynotes, and startup competitions, making it a vibrant hub for innovation and collaboration in the global entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The CTO Summit by GeeksHubs is an event tailored for technology leaders, offering a platform to discuss trends, share knowledge, and network with peers. It features expert talks, panel discussions, and workshops aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry.

Good old KCD Munich (Kubernetes Community Days Munich), we've been here last year. KCD is an event that brings together the Kubernetes community to share knowledge, collaborate, and learn from each other. It features talks, workshops, and networking opportunities focused on Kubernetes and related cloud-native technologies.

The Lean Leader Summit is an event focused on leadership and lean management principles, bringing together leaders and experts to share insights and strategies for driving organizational excellence.

Also, check out this review by Kirill and Pablo of the AWS Summit we attended in Berlin on May 15th. They discuss their favorite aspects and share their perspectives on current trends in AWS: