Horizontal Connections | βœ‰οΈ #2

Graphic illustration for 'MKDEV DISPATCH #2' featuring a stylized drawing of a person in a hoodie with glasses, titled 'HORIZONTAL CONNECTIONS' and paper planes in the background.
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Graphic illustration for 'MKDEV DISPATCH #2' featuring a stylized drawing of a person in a hoodie with glasses, titled 'HORIZONTAL CONNECTIONS' and paper planes in the background.

Hey! πŸ‘‹

This week we travelled to Portugal for the DevOpsDays conference. I won't tell you now how it went and what interesting things we learned there. We will dedicate a separate issue to that and maybe even a video. But it reminded me again of the importance of creating horizontal connections.

Ordinary connections, without any particular purpose. For some reason, many people, myself included, often neglect this important part of our business life. However, just recently I was approached by a person who helps developers from Ukraine who have been compelled to move to Europe and now look for employment. Although I was unable to help directly, I had a contact who could. And those in turn had their contacts, and as a result several people from Ukraine were able to get commissioned.

That's how it works. And even though the vast majority of all contracts I received in past years were the result of knowing one person or another, I somehow keep forgetting about the importance of networking. Don’t be me! Get connected to professionals in your city, your country, other countries. Start with LinkedIn, for example. Pablo has more than five thousand followers there, there are probably people from your country. Make a connection, talk a little, and who knows, maybe your contacts will help someone in the future to find a job, get funding, advice or a business partner. Or look at who's following our page on LinkedIn. You know what to do!

Stay in touch!

What we've shared

Kirill Shirinkin is looking at some of the tools that make cloud costs part of your Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD pipeline to discuss whether they can really help with cost optimization.​

Pablo Inigo Sanchez is here to answer three important questions. Why does everyone move from data centers to Cloud Providers? Why are cloud providers profits skyrocketing? Should you use a cloud provider?

What we've discovered

  • ​DNS Toys: We're not suggesting to use DNS to get currency conversion rates, but, damn, it's a fun application!

  • ​End of localhost: Most big companies moved to some way of developing in the cloud. More and more will do the same. This is probably the first collection of examples and reasons why you should stop developing on local.

A random reminder

​OpenShift 4 Cluster Operations 101 is a free mkdev video course about the core concepts behind OpenShift 4 cluster management, starting from re-imagined installation experience down to the fundamental features that make this system special.

The 3rd mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, October 14th. See you next time!