Для разработки веб-приложений на Java часто используется фреймворк Spring, но в последнее время становятся популярны и другие решения. В своей новой статье Ринат Мухамедгалиев рассказывает про набирающий популярность фреймворк Helidon. Мы будем использовать его модификацию Helidon SE и для примера напишем простенькое приложение.

Illustration of SpongeBob SquarePants emerging from a laptop screen, wearing a tie, with his arms raised in a welcoming gesture and a mug beside the laptop.

The EU's AI Act became official EU law on August 1st, 2024, but the first measures around prohibited uses of AI and AI literacy programs for in-scope businesses come into effect on February 2nd, 2025. In this article, we'll help you figure out if and how your business is in-scope for the AI Act. By the end, you'll have an understanding of how the AI Act is relevant for your business, and what you need to do when to be compliant.

Re-explore containers from open standards perspective: learn all about Open Container Initiative (OCI) and how to see containers for what they really are.

In the 62nd mkdev dispatch Pablo analyses the recent DeepSeek news. Were we all just stupid? Also inside:

• Designing chat architecture for reliable message ordering at scale;
• What Karpenter v1.0.0 means for Kubernetes autoscaling;
• Troubleshooting Amazon EKS networking issues at scale in an Enterprise scenario;
• Automating Centralized NAT Gateways in AWS VPCs and Region with Terraform;
• Monolithic Architecture of Terraform.

DevOps Accents, episode 54: Humanizing Customer Support with Caolan Melvin from VoxMail

Is customer support fundamentally broken in our day and age? What should you focus on deciding on your customer support solution? Is there something new we can try to improve this process? For episode 54 of DevOps Accents Leo and Pablo talk Caolan Melvin from VoxMail, a company that transcribes and analyses audio messages from your customers and provides new ways for support.