Для разработки веб-приложений на Java часто используется фреймворк Spring, но в последнее время становятся популярны и другие решения. В своей новой статье Ринат Мухамедгалиев рассказывает про набирающий популярность фреймворк Helidon. Мы будем использовать его модификацию Helidon SE и для примера напишем простенькое приложение.

Illustration of SpongeBob SquarePants emerging from a laptop screen, wearing a tie, with his arms raised in a welcoming gesture and a mug beside the laptop.

Part 2 of Paul Larsen's series dives into the mechanics of relational and vector databases for AI. Discover how combining these tools enhances data retrieval, linking theory to practical solutions for business applications.

Aprenderás como las empresas usan los contenedores, Docker, docker-compose, Docker Swarm, Podam, Buildah, firecracker...

In the 49th mkdev dispatch Leo analyzes the process of inventing new tools and their impact on the industry. Also inside:
• OpenAI, Google ink deals to augment AI efforts with news.
• Google Cloud expands grounding capabilities on Vertex AI.
• AWS CloudShell now supports Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.
• Automatically replacing polyfill.io links with Cloudflare's mirror for a safer Internet.

DevOps Accents, episode 41

Celebrate 10 years of Kubernetes with Pablo, Kirill and Leo and join us for a discussion of its history, impact and possible future.