Everyone Is An Expert | ✉️ #18

Illustration for 'MKDEV DISPATCH #18' featuring a drawing of a person in glasses talking, with text 'EVERYONE IS AN EXPERT' and stylized paper airplanes on an orange and grey background.
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Illustration for 'MKDEV DISPATCH #18' featuring a drawing of a person in glasses talking, with text 'EVERYONE IS AN EXPERT' and stylized paper airplanes on an orange and grey background.

Hey! 👋

Today I'd like to share some thoughts that have been swirling around in my head for the last few weeks. On a daily (I'm not exaggerating) basis in my mail and messages I get invitations to try a unique new app that will help me in my work, and which is of course based on AI. And the startup name is some EveryThing.AI or Something-Something.ai . And I can't get rid of the thought that all this has already happened to me, when before it was everything NFT, and before that everything Blockchain, and before that everything Microservices... And every time I had to dive into this topic in detail to at least understand if I'm missing something important? And now it's happening again.

And then I remembered an interesting episode from my life when I was choosing a bike. And I came across a website that allowed me to choose the perfect bike for anyone based on a bunch of different parameters. But my problem was that I didn't understand at all what it all meant, and how one characteristic differed from another, and which one was better. And instead of making my life easier, this site forced me to go and read about it all myself on different other websites, about materials, chains, pads. And I became almost an expert in choosing bikes, but ended up buying nothing.

What do these episodes teach me? They teach me to trust the experts. On the same level that I trust my doctor, for example. Of course, not all experts and doctors are bona fide. But being an expert in everything on my own is just physically and mentaly impossible. But that's a whole different story.

What We've Shared

  • How to use Google Cloud Run Jobs for background tasks: In this video we are going to learn Cloud Run Jobs, release as GA this week and how now everything is different.

  • Argo Ecosystem: Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Events, Argo Rollouts, Argo Everything.

  • Should you use Terraform or Pulumi? Pablo Inigo Sanchez is discussing the differences between Terraform and Pulumi, two popular infrastructure-as-code tools. Learn about their strengths, weaknesses, and key distinctions to make an informed decision for your project.

  • Can you automate Cloud Costs? Looking at InfraCost and alternatives: Discover how to automate cloud costs with tools like InfraCost, which integrates cost estimations into infrastructure as code workflows. Keep in mind, while helpful, these tools may not provide a complete picture of your cloud spending or optimize your architecture for cost-effectiveness.

  • 'DevOps Accents', episode 10: Tekton vs. Jenkins, OIDC and Money from Open Source. Tekton vs. Jenkins, OIDC and Money from Open Source

What We've Discovered

  • You Broke Reddit: The Pi-Day Outage: An extremely detailed analysis of the longest Reddit outage to date. It's also one of the good examples of why Kubernetes is a complex system that is hard to maintain and scale over time - and the decision to use it should not be takenn lightly.

  • Database Sharing Explained: A simple and visual explanation of the database sharing. You might not need it on a daily basis, but you sure will appreciate knowing how to use it once you do have a use case.

  • Systems design explains the world: volume 1: An explanation of systems designs with many great examples. The part about the chicken and egg issue is probably the most important one to soak in.

  • What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work? This post could be a book - with almost 20 000 words, it explains how ChatGPT from the fundamentals. Closer to the end of the article, you start to realize how conceptually simple ChatGPT is - and what is the primary scientific discovery we might make from the capabilities of ChatGPT.

  • A deeper look at Ingress Sharing and Target Group Binding in AWS Load Balancer Controller: By default, ALB controller creates 1 ALB per ingress. This might not be the most cost-efficient setup if you have many services - thus, this article explains how to group multiple ingresses behind a single ALB. Also don't miss our webinar on this controller!

A random reminder

While we are a Cloud & DevOps consulting, since ye olden days we also have a few free books for young web-developers. Feel free to share them with the next generation of programmers!

The 19th mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, May 26th. See you next time!