Relocuestion | βœ‰οΈ #41

Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #41 featuring a person in a hoodie gesturing with their hands, with a paper plane and the word "RELOCUESTION" nearby.
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Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #41 featuring a person in a hoodie gesturing with their hands, with a paper plane and the word "RELOCUESTION" nearby.

Hey! πŸ‘‹

I've survived a relocation! \o/

In retrospect, it wasn't such a difficult process. But it certainly didn't feel that way to me in the moment. Especially considering that my productivity dropped to zero in all projects for more than a month... And at some point I even started to think that those who say "look for a job abroad, move, get a new place, it's no big deal, the main thing is that there will be a job" have never moved from place to place themselves. But in fact it seems to me that the euphoria of settling in and living in a new, pleasant place simply overrides all the other negative memories.

However, I still understand why relocation is a powerful HR management tool. On the one hand a company can offer a relocation package to make the process as comfortable as possible for the employee and ensure their productivity. For example my friend from Microsoft was compensated by the company for relocation so that she only had to choose the most fitting apartment. Everything else, flight, packing and transportation of belongings, unpacking at the new place, setting up a home office, drawing up all the documents and even transportation of the cat was organized and paid for by the company itself. Generous? Sounds yes, but surely it is still cheaper than an employee who fell out of the process for a month and then took a sick leave to heal the stress.

On the other hand, relocation is also a way to trim down the staff, when employees are offered to relocate to a new country or state (with a different cost of living and salary). It can be a way for the company to cut costs, and if the employee doesn't agree, then… well, our options are exhausted.

Either way, even in this era of ubiquitous remote working and cloud technology, relocation is still in the realities of the IT industry and something we have to deal with. For me personally, I know that this page is not closed yet and I am absolutely ready for more relocations in the future!

What We've Shared

On our Youtube channel Kirill have started a whole new show, while Pablo explains the difference in AWS Lambda pricing vs Google Cloud Functions pricing:

  • ​Devin is obsolete, AWS eschews money, Gemini learns StackOverflow - DevOps, Cloud & AI News. Our brand new news show, covering the hottest news and releases from Cloud, AI and DevOps worlds! In the first episode, we are going to see what's up with Devin and Anthropic, why AWS and Azure refuse to take money, what's the new Google and StackOverflow deal is about and why you might have wasted time building AWS dashboards.

  • ​AWS Lambda pricing vs Google Cloud Functions pricing, explained. It’s not simple to understand the complexity in the pricing models of AWS and Google Cloud Functions, so Pablo Inigo Sanchez is here with a proper explanation.

  • ​DevOps Accents #33: Vision Pro changes the world, WeaveWorks vanishes. In this episode of DevOps Accents, Pablo, Leo, and Kirill discuss Twitter's changes, Apple's Vision Pro impact, VR's future role, and tech dependency.

And on the website it's two new articles, per usual.

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A random reminder

Even if you've deleted a previous mkdev dispatch from your Inbox, you can always catch up on it on our website, if you need to!

The 42nd mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, April 12. See you next time!