The AI Surge Transforming Business | ✉️ #54

Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #54 featuring a stylized person looking towards a digital paper airplane, with text "The AI Surge Transforming Business." Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #54 featuring a stylized person looking towards a digital paper airplane, with text "The AI Surge Transforming Business."

Hey! 👋

I've been thinking a lot about how quickly AI and machine learning are becoming an integral part of businesses everywhere. Before, we had things like BI (business intelligence) and many companies were using it without understanding that they were using AI in one form or another. But now 77% of companies admit they are using or experimenting with AI technologies. Of these, a quarter are already using generative AI services extensively and a further 38% are testing the waters. That's almost half of all organizations engaging with generative AI in some way - a huge leap from just a few years ago!

A big reason for this surge is the growing accessibility of AI services on platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. These tech giants are constantly rolling out new AI features, making it easier for companies to integrate AI into their operations. For instance, Azure's push into AI is especially helping small and mid-sized businesses scale their AI initiatives without huge upfront investments.

Of course, there are still challenges like data availability, integration complexity, and the need for specialized skills. And this is where we can help, we have a whole section of services dedicated specifically to this. But despite these hurdles, the momentum is building. It feels like it's only a matter of time before AI (and generative AI in particular) becomes a core part of most organizations' strategies.

This ties in perfectly with our latest podcast episode, where I chatted with Álvaro Sáez, the creator of an incredible AI tool that transforms text prompts into 3D scenes. We dove into how his technology works, the skills needed to build something like this, and the realities of launching an AI startup today. Go check it!

And I? I can't wait to see how it continues to transform the way we work and create. Stay tuned for more!

What We've Shared

  • DevOps Accents #46 In this episode, we dive deep into generative AI with Álvaro Sáez , creator of an AI tool Current Anima that transforms text prompts into 3D scenes. Álvaro explains how his technology works and what skills you need to have to build something like this and how difficult it is to build an AI startup in 2024. Don't miss this one!

  • 2 simple tips to reduce your Google Cloud Run costs ​On the website for those who are dealing with high Google Cloud Run costs Pablo shared two practical tips to help you save (with a step-by-step video guide inside):

  • Control AWS costs with these 3 cost allocation tags​And Kirill outlined 3 simple cost allocation tags that you can implement to gain deeper insight into your cloud spend using AWS Cost Explorer:

What We've Discovered

An announcement

In just a few days Bits & Pretzels Founders Festival starts. We will be there, almost the whole pack, and you don't want to miss us. Come say Hi and have a drink of your preference :)

The 55th mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, October 11th. See you next time!