Time of Chaos and Hope | ✉️ #56

Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #56 featuring a thoughtful man with glasses and a hand on his chin, with text 'Time of Chaos and Hope,' graphic elements, and an orange background.
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Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #56 featuring a thoughtful man with glasses and a hand on his chin, with text 'Time of Chaos and Hope,' graphic elements, and an orange background.

Hey! 👋

Since I was a kid, I always remember watching the news on TV and hearing about countries where people were killing each other. I remember Granada, the old Yugoslavia, the war in the Gulf, Iran and Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Yemen, ISIS, Palestine...

Humans are always killing each other, because of horrible politicians and ignorant citizens. But this is not something new; every country has a history full of blood and deaths, with no exceptions. Even in the territory of Costa Rica, there were wars. Switzerland is in Central Europe, where everyone was always fighting, and Bhutan fought against the British.

But this is the same humanity that is able to land rockets in space and recover them on landing, the same that can create Optimus, the same that can detect cancer with just one image, and the same that creates autonomous trains, trucks, and cars.

So, we as humans are both cursed with the ability to create the most horrible chaos and destruction, but we are also the ones able to make the most incredible discoveries every year. And this cycle is unstoppable because what is happening in 2024 will happen again in 2034 and 2056. We will continue killing each other, but we will also make life better.

Strange animals, humans.

What We've Shared

What do people misunderstand about aerospace engineers? What future do electric engines bring to aircrafts? How does QA work in aviation in comparison to Software Development? Today we take a break from our usual DevOps and Cloud talk to have a conversation with Ignacio Echavarría, an aerospace engineer and CTO at Dovetail Electric Aviation:

And on the website we have two new articles:

  • Can I use Cloud Armor with Cloud Run? Google Cloud Armor offers robust protection against threats like DDoS and SQL injection but comes with a hefty price tag. For small to mid-sized companies, Cloudflare’s affordable alternatives may provide comparable security at a fraction of the cost. Explore the trade-offs between Google Cloud's premium features and Cloudflare’s budget-friendly options.

  • Broadcom killed VMware: Was this acquisition good or bad for you? Earlier this year, Broadcom's acquisition of VMware led to major changes, including reducing partners from 20,000 to 1,000 and shifting from perpetual to subscription-based licensing. These changes, which significantly increased costs and gave customers just six weeks to adapt, have sparked controversy and potential regulatory scrutiny.

What We've Discovered

A random reminder

Interested in events we've visited all around Europe lately? Check out our LinkedIn page for all the reports!

The 57th mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, November 8th. See you next time!