Why Everything Is AI? | ✉️ #43

Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #43 featuring a drawn portrait of a man with glasses and curly hair, alongside the title "WHY EVERYTHING IS AI?" with paper airplanes and geometric shapes in the background.
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Illustration for MKDEV Dispatch #43 featuring a drawn portrait of a man with glasses and curly hair, alongside the title "WHY EVERYTHING IS AI?" with paper airplanes and geometric shapes in the background.

Hey! 👋

I have to say that I am a fan of AI, and every new development makes me dream like I did when I was a child. We can create videos from text in seconds, animate images like the photos in Harry Potter, and generate books in mere moments, even now with massive contexts of 1 million tokens—it's astounding. However, I am relieved that my plumber still uses a wrench to fix pipe issues and not an LLM to automatically generate a sink.

For that simple reason, I believe that when every cloud company presents what's new for the year, you can’t replace the wrench with an LLM. Last Next 24 was disappointing, primarily a showcase for the new LLM model, Gemini 1.5, and its integration with practically everything. Every new feature revolves around an LLM. However, we must remember that GCP is not OpenAI. The emergence of ChatGPT created panic among many companies, including Google, fearing that web search might become obsolete and questioning where to place ads. Nevertheless, as LLMs increasingly become a part of our lives, this fear spreads to every boardroom.

And what happens when fear sets in? Panic paves the way for poor decisions. Instead of improving GKE or Google Cloud, enhancing permissions in GCS, or developing something like OpenTofu in GCP, they chose to link everything to Gemini. In my opinion, it's unfortunate.

What We've Shared

On our Youtube channel Pablo joins Kirill in our effort to bring you mknews, in two new episodes of our news show:

And on the website Paul Larsen, mkdev's Head of AI and Data teaches you how to scale AI across your business:

What We've Discovered

A random reminder

Webinar Wednesdays are a thing: every week it's Kirill's or Pablo's turn to teach you AWS or GCP for free. We are always open to suggestions for future webinar topics, reply to any mkdev dispatch with topics you would like to see covered!

The 44th mkdev dispatch will arrive on Friday, May 10th. See you next time!